
Public information

In the face of ever-increasing competition in the pharmaceutical market, Vishpha Pharmaceutical Factory maintains a policy of information transparency of accounting and financial reporting for its partners, customers and suppliers.

Vishpha Pharmaceutical Factory provides all interested parties with the information they need to make rational decisions in an open, complete and understandable form.

01.SECURITIES ISSUER 2021-2023 years
Annual information of the issuer of securities for 2021 - 2023 years

This information is updated. The formation of this information is carried out in accordance with the current rules of accounting and reporting in Ukraine, as well as regulations governing the activities of issuers, in particular:

  • "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" dated 16.07.99 № 996-XIV with changes and additions
  • Law "On Securities and Stock Market" №3480-IU dated 23.02.06
  • Law "On state regulation of the securities market in Ukraine"
24 April 2021
Vyshnevsky Igor Anatoliyovych

Certificate: 00EFB9

The signature is valid

24 April 2021


03.Бухгалтерський відлік

The company has a comprehensive system of enterprise management, consisting of closely related blocks, whose work is aimed at solving a single task: to make the company more efficient by increasing the transparency of accounting.

We keep records that give clear transparent results that we trust and on the basis of which certain decisions are made related to purchases, sales, production and other processes that take place in our company.

The financial statements accurately and in all material respects reflect the financial condition of the Vishpha Pharmaceutical Factory, the results of its financial and economic activities and cash flows in accordance with the established rules of financial reporting.